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The Pace Clock. How to Use it

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

In this topic - information on:

  • The relationship between your exercise Heart Rate and Interval training

  • Interval training explained

  • The importance of pacing

  • How to use the Pace clock


Using the pace clock is fundamental in helping you achieve the intensity of exercise.

Your Exercise Heart Rate (EHR) , is the measure of you exercise intensity and is directly connected to the benefits listed in the topic Exercise Intensity and Benefits.

Interval Training is the best way to achieve health, wellness and fitness benefits.

This is also explained in the topic Exercise Intensity and Benefits.

Interval sessions use:

  • A period of exercise – anything from 15 seconds to many minutes

  • At an intensity level (EHR) to suit your exercise aims

  • Followed by a rest period that varies, based on your exercise aims, and the duration of the exercise period

This process from the start of the first exercise to the end of the first rest period is called:

  • 1 Repetition

Doing a number of Repetitions together is called a:

  • Set

To produce Health, Wellness or Fitness gains, the number of Reps in a Set in the FitWell program are designed to produce a duration of exercise to match your aims.

Set example

A example set of 16 x 25m on 65 seconds:

  • 16 (number of reps in the set) x 25 metre, which is 1 lap (rep), swim or swim/walk or kick

  • Perform 1 rep every 65 seconds

In this example:

  • The exercise duration is 45 seconds to do the exercise in the rep (1 lap)

  • Followed by 20 seconds rest, for a total of 65 seconds i.e. 45 + 20 = 65

  • Then leaving the wall for the next Rep, at the end of the 65 seconds

To achieve the right timing for the Reps in the Sets, and therefore achieve the targeted benefits requires the use of the Pace Clock.

How to Use the Pace Clock

The Pace clock is used to time the interval you use for each Rep, and it includes your activity duration, and rest.

It also provides a measure for you to Pace the intensity / the speed, of your activity to achieve your EHR target.

Pacing is important.

Go too fast and your EHR will be too high, and you may need to take excessive rest.

This will mean your EHR will ‘Yo-Yo’ in and out of your best benefit zone.

Selecting the Session Level, from which to choose your sessions, using the Set Selection Process, will match your Health, Wellness or Fitness Level aims.

Using the Pace Clock

The pool pace clock has one hand, with a red and black side.

One revolution is 60 seconds.

Using the example above …

  • One rep every 65 seconds

  • 45 seconds Pace for the activity: e.g., Swim; Swim/walk; Flippers kick

  • 20 seconds rest

  • If your activity is faster, say 42 sec. you get 23 seconds rest: 42 + 23 = 65

  • If your activity is slower, say 48 sec. you get 17 seconds rest: 48 + 17 = 65


You can use the clock to help count your Reps.

In the example above:

  • After 12 reps you will again leave the wall on the 60

  • After 6 reps you will again leave the wall on the 30

Recommended Reading: Selecting a Lap Session Level


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