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  • gwindeatt

Swim Sessions

Updated: Jan 14

Swim Sessions are designed to provide defined benefits for your Health, Wellness and Fitness.

Each of the 6 Session Levels are designed to suit your level of swimming which is explained in the Selecting a Lap Session Level noted below.

In each of the Session levels there are 8 sessions.

The elements within each of the 8 sessions use all 4 of the body's energy systems, thus ensuring you receive maximum benefit for the time spent.

The starting place for an appropriate session level targeting Health, Wellness or Fitness, for you, is sorted by using the methods defined in the topic: Selecting a Lap Session Level.

The topic Pace Clock, How to Use It is helpful to explain how to use the intervals shown in all sessions.

  • Doing the Session Selection Set that you will read about, will lead you to your Session Level.

The Six Levels are set out below.

Select the Levels and you will see the sessions to use.

No worries if you have to experiment with the Selecting a Lap Session Level.

It is very important to use the right session level so as to maximise the benefits you receive.

  • As you improve, you can move to the next session level to again ensure you continue to maximise your benefits.

Each of the Sessions will shortly be on laminated cards for your use at the pool.

You can also print them from this site.

All Sessions are designed to achieve a 70% Exercise Heart Rate level, at the indicated single 25 metre lap pace + rest intervals.

Session designed for around a 18 - 20 second lap pace + rest interval

Session designed for around a 23 - 25 second lap pace + rest interval

Session designed for around a 30 - 32 second lap pace + rest interval

Session designed for around a 35 - 37 second lap pace + rest interval

Session designed for around a 40 - 42 second lap pace + rest interval

Session designed for around a 45 - 47 second lap pace + rest interval


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