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In Water - Aerobic and Resistance Benefits

In Water - Aerobic and Resistance Sessions

Incorporating both aerobic exercise and resistance training into your fitness routine can:

  • Maximize fat loss

  • Maintain lean muscle mass and shape your body

  • Contribute to overall well-being

The New In-Water Aerobic and Resistance Sessions provide these benefits.

  • You do NOT have to be able to swim to use these sessions

As the Sessions have a number of exercise elements, it is best to have the session printed and poolside, so you can follow the exercise order and instruction.

To do this:

  • Print the sessions from this FitWell site, to take to the pool

  • Available Pool side, use the printed and laminated cards – we are awaiting the installation of the Session Card display by Council.

All instructions for the sessions are on the Session cards, with further information on the FitWell site – You can also ask questions – See the FitWell home page.

 Exercise side of the Session card - An extract from one of the Sessions

 Instruction side of the Session card - An extract from the session above

Session Benefits

Resistance exercises offers a multitude of health benefits when combined with aerobic workouts.

Improved Muscle Strength and Tone: Resistance training helps build muscle strength and tone benefits your everyday life and activities.

Makes recreational sport activity easier and goes a long way in easing aches and pains as we age.

Makes everyday activities easier.

Maintaining Strength also improves and maintains Muscle Tone.

Here’s why muscle tone is important:

  • Muscle tone refers to the natural tension present in our muscles.

  • It plays several crucial roles in our bodies

Improves Posture: reducing stress on the spinal cord and lowering the risk of osteoporosis

Stamina and Health: reduces body fat and weight, benefiting the heart, skeletal system, and joints. A toned body leads to increased energy, better stamina, and improved flexibility. It also decreases the risk of conditions like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes1.

Enhances weight management and increased muscle-to-fat ratio – as you gain muscle, your body burns more calories when at rest.

Improved mobility and balance, which can help you remain independent as you age.

Helps reduce or prevent cognitive decline in older people as shown in research.

Greater stamina – as you grow stronger, you won’t get tired as easily.

Prevention or control of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, back pain, depression and obesity.

Heps pain management.

Improved sense of wellbeing – resistance training may boost your self-confidence and improve your body image and your mood.

Improved sleep and avoidance of insomnia.

Increased self-esteem

Further information


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