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Lane use for best benefits

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

In this topic - information on:

  • Benefits of keeping left

  • Choosing a session time - low and peak use

  • Pool protocols to help all users

  • Adding a new pool


The easiest way to think about the most efficient and beneficial way to use a swimming lane, for the benefit of all, is the same as driving a car, simply keep to the left of the centre line.

Keeping left of the centre line on the bottom of the pool means the lane can accommodate more users, which means it provides the most opportunity for you to do your session.

• Simply, swimming in the middle of the lane = 1 person use

• Swim around the line 5 – 6 can use the lane

In the Jindabyne Swim Club sessions, which are coached, we have up to 12 per lane.

Choosing the time of your session

As a community pool we have the complete demographic of the community wanting to use the pool.

The 5-lane configuration of the pool creates further limitations. Most pools have 6, 8 and some 10 lanes.

So as a community pool there are peak times and low use times.

On this FitWell site we will post the Lane Use Plan to help you select the times of your sessions.

In general terms:

  • During the school terms the weekday afternoons are the highest use, from 3.30 to 6pm

    • During these times the aim is to have a minimum 2 lanes open for general swimming and Fitwell Session use.

  • The lowest use times are between 6am – 3.30 pm weekdays during school terms

  • All the weekend hours are low use periods

    • During these times there will be between 3 and 5 lanes open for your use.

With an eye to the future please see Future Grants at the bottom of this article.

Hints to help - for the enjoyment of all

All well-run pools have some operational protocols that aim to maximise the lane space for the benefit of all.

These are the Jindabyne pool protocols:

Keep Left: As above keep left of the lane line on the bottom.

Only swimmer in the lane: Still swim around the line. This makes it easier for people to join the lane.

When there is already a swimmer

Joining a lane when there is already someone swimming.

  • Get into the water and wait at the end.

  • This way the current swimmer when they turn, will see there is an additional swimmer/s.

Swimmers of different speeds

First of all, do not feel uneasy if you swim at a different pace to other swimmers.

The aim of the sessions is to attain the Exercise Heart Rate (EHR) target for you and speed does not relate from one swimmer to the next re the attained Exercise Heart Rate.

For example:

  • A National level competitive swimmer may typically have a 70% EHR while doing around 29 seconds per 50 metre pace in a set

  • A recreational swimmer might have a 50 second pace at the same EHR.

Both swimmers are receiving the same benefits

Like driving, be aware of the other swimmers in the lane.

When multiple lanes are available, use the lane that is nearer to your pace.

If a swimmer has a faster pace, you can give way to other swimmers by having a slight rest a the end of the pool, as the other swimmer ‘swims through’

Feel free to change lanes during your session if the pace of the lane changes.

Overtaking when swimming

This is easily done when there are 2 swimmers in a lane, as there is no oncoming traffic and you can take time to pass the swimmer.

Overtaking with more than 2 swimmers, within a 25m length is difficult, unless there is a substantial speed differential.

In this case the slower swimmer should let the other, ‘swim through’ as above.

Resting at the end of the pool

When resting at the end of the pool and having multiple swimmers in the lane, rest close to the lane rope on the left of the lane (as when you swam into the wall)

With multiple swimmers resting stay close the left side lane line, in a line.

  • As you can see the aim is to leave the wall open for turning

Intervals between swimmers

If you are doing the same session with a friend, a great way to exercise, push off the wall 5 seconds behind.

This will have you in clear water i.e., you will not be bothered by the bubbles and turbulence of the swimmer in front, and they will be out of the way when you turn.

If you are swimming with others, not doing the same session, the 5 seconds interval between pushing off is still the way to go.

If a swimmer is coming in, when you are due to push off, take a few seconds more rest and follow them, or if you are faster, leave a few seconds earlier.

You can a correct your interval, within your set, the next rest period.

Walk – Run – Swim sessions

These sessions, depending on the Level you are using will use either half or the whole pool length.

In these sessions the same protocols as set out above apply, the most fundamental being keep to the left.

It is understood that having a swim sessions user in the same lane as Walk-Run-Swim session user will reduce the number of users in the lane.

However, having 2 or 3 in a lane is still possible.

If possible, when using these sessions, try to use the pool in the low use periods as this will provide you best benefit.

Water Exercise sessions

These sessions do not fit the convention of ‘swimming around the line’, although the concept of keeping left still works with a limited number of people in the lane.

Again, if possible, try to use the pool in the low use periods as this will provide you best benefit.

Future Grants

Our aspirational goal is to service the community appropriately with purpose designed programs (FitWell) and to increase patronage of the pool.

We are in need now and into the future of more pool space given the combination of:

  • Growing population of the area

  • Massive influx of visitors and pool users in winter

  • Summer visitation growing exponentially

  • FitWell program users

  • Existing uses of the pool

The FitWell Program is the cornerstone to achieving increased pool use across the community.

Increasing patronage of the pool will help position us to apply for a new Government Grant down the track. The aim is to have the increased pool use support a Grant application within 2 years.

Adding a new pool

The desire is to have a new 8 lane x 25 m pool next to the current pool, with an outdoor hot pool for relaxation. Also included would be the upgrade of change rooms and reception facilities.

We know the FitWell program will help fulfill the needs of the community as we already have focused market research.

When the pool was closed for the compliance renovation, the Jindabyne Pool Reopen site received over 800 comments about how individuals and families used the pool. That site has now been repurposed to this FitWell site.

The responses showed how important the facility is with comments covering a wide range of benefits received including: mobility maintenance and improvement; pain reduction; stress management; rehabilitation; aqua aerobics - comradeship; diabetes management; general health; fitness; mental health benefits; weight management; flexibility improvement; blood pressure management; recovery; relaxation, learn to swim, swim training and cross training...and so the benefits went on.

Rest assured your participation in the FitWell Program will not only provide personal benefit, it will also help gain facilities so even greater participation and benefit can be provided.


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