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Thanks for visiting this FitWell site.

The Free Fitness and Wellness program for the adult population of our community.

See the Swim Session section below for a full list of Swim Programs.

Thanks to those contributing your feedback. (click to comment)

Next Session Plans to release are:

Aerobic and Resistance Sessions


A Special Welcome from

Kristy McBain 

Member for Eden- Monaro


Using the same principles as the Lions Clubs Australia contribution to community value calculation, the current value of the Fitwell program is $83,592 (7 Mar 24)


 For your use poolside, we await the laminated card Session display installation at the pool by Council. 

Shall let you know by email.


New: FREE Fitness and Wellness Program
Information on the Program will be posted on this site.
It will also be emailed if you register below

The program is designed for the adult segment of our community,
to help with your fitness and wellbeing
The only cost to participate is the pool entry charge.

This FitWell site sets out all the information, Program Sessions,
and benefits to be gained.

This information and the Sessions are also useful to use in combination
with your other Health, Wellness and Fitness-based activities.

 The Jindabyne Pool hours
Mon - Fri: 6 am  - 6.30 pm
Sat - Sun: 10 am - 6.30 pm

Registering on this site will allow Pool Updates to be sent by email

Feel great, look good, have energy, clear your mind


These are the simplest of aims for many to achieve.

They are also the benefits that can be achieved by exercising at the right intensity and duration to suit your goals.

The FitWell - Jindabyne Pool program provides all the information

and exercise sessions to achieve these aims for FREE


The current global trends for fitness and wellness recommend choosing one of these aims:

  • Health Related Fitness:  Energy for daily activities, lower the risks of heart disease, overweight, high blood pressure

  • Wellness: The combination of physical fitness with improved energy reserves, mental and social wellbeing

  • Physical Fitness: Higher levels of energy reserves, elevated activity levels and performance, lowest risk profile of developing  heart disease, overweight, high blood pressure


All the Program Sessions of FitWell provide the tools to achieve your goal of choice

Specifically the FitWell program provides all the information and sessions to achieved these and other benefits:

  • Improve your mood

  • Help your weight management, improve muscle tone and reduce body fat

  • Increased energy for life, activity, and exercise

  • Help mental health and wellbeing by boosting endorphins and serotonin in the brain

  • Optimise your blood pressure

  • Help normalise your blood sugar levels in diabetes management

  • Increase your HDL (good cholesterol)

  • Lower your heart rate for given intensity of exercise activity (less fatigue)

  • Strengthens your heart and circulatory system, a central benefit for all activity



Program Overview

Set out below is the Overview of the types of Programs for you to use.


Within each section you can go through to see more detail and access the actual Sessions.


Please Note

The Jindabyne Pool FitWell Program is supported by:

  • Jindabyne Swim Club

  • Jindabyne Mitre 10

  • Jindabyne Lions Club


All the sessions listed below will hopefully be available at Jindabyne  pool on laminated, waterproof cards ready for your use. We await the cooperation of the Council in this regard. Resistance sessions. when available - print from this site.


  • All Sessions can be printed from the site.


Graham Windeatt OLY  (see background) Jindabyne Swim Club President is the content manager with content peer reviewed by exercise specialists

Swim Sessions


Swimming is a great exercise that has many health benefits. 


If you can swim a little , with a bit of practice and using the special Swim Improver Sessions, you will be able to progress to use swimming as one of your Health, Wellness and Fitness activities.


There are 6 levels of swim sessions that will suit all levels of swimmer.

Within each level there are 8 different sessions, to provide variation in each session.

Over time additional sessions will be added, to provide continuous variation and challenge.


Swimming is a great way to increase your fitness level, build muscle tone, manage your weight and improve your overall wellbeing. 

It is the ultimate low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints.

Being in the water environment helps remove the continual stress of gravity and lets the body relax so is a great release if you have joint pain, like low back, knee or hip pain. 

Swimming is also a total body exercise which maximises calorie expenditure using fat as an energy source which along with producing muscle tone will help trim inches.

Swimming helps alleviate stress and improve coordination, balance, and posture.

Being low impact it is good therapy for many injuries and conditions. 

Many swimmers also find the activity a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise. 


Remember you can use flippers to help develop all these benefits.


Go To: Swim Session section

Swim Improver Sessions


Swimming is an activity like no other!


It is the only activity done in an environment where the body, arms and legs can move in a 360-degree range and the action of breathing needs to be coordinate with the action of swimming.


It is also an activity where there is no stabilising influence of being able to react with a solid surface.


The Swim Improver sessions take you through the simple steps to gain confidence while learning or improving the building blocks of being able to swim.


Being able to swim means its not exhausting to do, you can breathe to the side, which results in the ability to swim a distance.


In a step-by-step process you will learn the fundamentals of swimming.


Doing so will help you relax in the water, which will reduce the effort which will allow you to practice the technique elements for overall improvement.


You will then be able to add swimming to the activities you can do for your present and long-term Health, Wellness and Fitness.


Launching soon: Swim Improver

Aerobic and Aerobic-Resistance Sessions


These sessions suit non-swimmers.


Walking and running in water has for a long time been used for injury rehab and fitness training.


It is an excellent way to gain Health, Wellness and Fitness, while improving muscle tone with low or no joint impact.


These Aerobic sessions use in water walk, step and jog sets. Some also include limited levels of swimming, which can help build swimming confidence and perhaps open up the Swim Session exercise mode for you.


The Aerobic-Resistance sessions add in water resistance exercises to activate the specific benefits of resistance exercising.


This combination of activities starts at Level 3 sessions which are of shorter duration dominated by walking and in water exercises aimed at developing a stronger core, abdominal and lower back muscles.


These exercise types can often reduce or mitigate lower back pain while gaining Health benefits.


Level 2 sessions are of slightly longer duration aimed at Wellness and Fitness benefits and introduce limited amounts of swimming to the half pool length.


Level 3 programming is of extra duration and the swimming sets will help develop your swimming skills.
The topic section Swim Improver Sessions can help you in this regard.


Level 3 sessions are designed around providing greater Fitness and Wellness and accelerating body toning and the potential to reduce body fat.


Releasing Soon : Aerobic and Aerobic-Resistance Sessions

Water Exercise


Exercising in the water is doing calisthenics (which on dryland is exercising with one’s own body weight) in the water.

Calisthenics workout in water is a great way to exercise as it provides a greater resistance to your movements due to the density of water.


This means you can get a full workout being supported by the buoyancy water provides, that reduces the impact of exercises on your body. 


Water exercising also helps develop a full range of motion in the joints, while reducing completely the risk of losing balance or falling.


Starting out you can use the Level 3 Sessions which are designed to provide introductory Health and Wellness benefits, while building your exercise repertoire. 


Level 2 sessions provide linked exercises that help develop Wellness and Fitness benefits.


Level 1 sessions use an expanded range of linked exercises that use equipment to increase resistance on the muscles therefore providing greater Wellness and Fitness benefits as noted in the topic: Exercise Intensity and Benefits


Launching Soon: Water Exercise section

Resistance Sessions


Including resistance sessions in your weekly exercise schedule has many benefits.


Doing so is a National Health Guideline recommendation : Include muscle-strengthening activities as part of your daily physical activity on at least 2 days each week.


Resistance exercises uses weights, bands, your own body weight which produces an overload for your muscles to overcome.


This type of exercising is highly complementary to Aerobic Foundational conditioning sessions.


Resistance sessions: * increases your metabolic rate * helps reduce body fat * Has anti-aging benefits * Helps normalise blood pressure * Reduces cholesterol and blood fats  *increases strength * improves appearance *  Produces stronger tendons and ligaments


Like all the Sessions Programs, you can start  with a session duration of 20 minutes from which you will  begin to build the benefits listed.


Go to: Resistance Session section

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